Sunday 29 January 2012


Bureaucracy: the rules, laws and functions of an office or institution.

The forced creation of a new blog site, via a new email address, was the result of a tangle of e- bureaucracy and involved much cursing from this side of the lap top.

Disclaimer:- this article draws attention to  the bureaucracy operating at a parcel collection office and is in no way intended as a criticism of the individuals employed there.

Some guidelines for collecting a parcel from the post office.
1. Set aside a morning, or an afternoon.
2. Take Notice of parcel to collect, photo ID, cash, bottle of water (large) and a store of small talk for fellow customers.
3. Arrive, shuffle through dozen or so people around first of three glass fronted booths. Wave Notice- sympathetic queuers  will guide you to the "window".
4. Wait. When one clerk beckons, hand Notice and ID over counter- watch and panic as precious passport disappears across chaotic booth and behind a further counter.
5. Move back from window.
6. Chat idly and listen for name among calling out.
7. Hear name- shuffle again to window-receive passport with relief- return to milling queue.
8. Hear name again- back to window- see another clerk holding Notice, photocopy of passport plus parcel addressed to self held above large table full of other parcels- acknowledge recognition- return to queue as parcel left on table.
9. Name heard again!- Alarm as clerk holding 18 inch blade knife fillets parcel and displays contents to any viewers. With interest, sweep gaze across other items spilling out of many parcels across table.
10. Further relief as own parcel and others adequately resealed by third clerk skilled in use of 6 inch width sellotape.
11. Receive Notice, with photocopied ID stapled on and directed to second glass booth.
12. Join second queue- count blessing- extreme heat and humidity saps energy making queue rage unlikely.
13. Reach cash booth- fee for parcel collection taken and amount entered, by hand, in word form, in ledger, in triplicate. Each copy stamped, one returned, after stapling to Notice and ID photocopy, other two filed separately. Waved on to third booth
15. Reach third glass window- peer across counter to far work bench stacked with sellotaped shiny parcels. Identify own package.
16. Hand over necessary documents. Proof of collection hand written in ledger. Documents stamped and parcel finally handed over.
17. Check watch- 90 minutes elapsed.

Marvel at extreme amount of busy-ness required to complete process, employment and wages provided for staff.
Wonder at time taken- out of how many working days, for how many people- to collect parcels?
Feel extreme excitement- like child expecting Father Christmas- to be in receipt of parcel.

One well- sellotaped parcel- address clear- post welcomed!