Friday 20 April 2012

Similarly the Hindu Mandirs range from the modest to the imposing.

When I attended the InterFaith service to celebrate the forty fifth anniversary of the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre (which provides health and education services for children and adults in day and residential care),  I noted the prayers, the principles and values of each of the invited representatives of faiths were remarkably similar- and all were values I could agree with.

But when activities move from the social to the political sphere, the racial and religious divides surface:- the Indo- Guyanese continue to identify with the incumbent (though now a minority government) Peoples Progressive Party; the Afro- Guyanese with the newly formed A Party for National Unity (APNU)- which appealed in the recent elections to all Guyanese regardless of race, but is now locked in opposition to the PPP, performing the previous role of the mainly Afro- Guyanese Peoples National Congress (PNC) from which it grew.

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