Sunday 10 June 2012

The guided tour of Georgetown, Guyana's capital.

With one month of my placement left, its time for the (virtual) guided tour of Georgetown.

Georgetown- 1893 -woodcut-

Water Street, Georgetown, 1905

Stabroek Market- pre independence.

Water Street- joining Stabroek Market- 2012

Georgetown- once called The Garden City of the Caribbean- has developed slowly and evolved, rather than changed, over the last century.

An air view over the city shows a lack of high rise buildings- because, as any taxi driver will tell you- lying below sea level, on drained reclaimed lands, the subsoil and lack of solid rock would not support the foundations needed for tall buildings. Therefore, as everywhere else along the coastal strip, the sky is seems enormous, the land small and flat.

View of Georgetown from the wooden lighthouse.

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