Tuesday 3 July 2012

Work 2

Students on teaching practice from the Cyril Potter College of Education- observing  a lesson
Since the Persons with Disability Act 2010 was passed, all teacher training students undergo an element of training in SEN.
Team teaching- pupils with complex needs- pupils with complex needs and severe physical disability in a round Georgetown have access to education at the Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre. This is also a residential facility.
Meeting with parents- at a unit for visual impairment, Wismar Hill, Linden.
Training counsellors  from ChildLink.Inc, working with pupils who have experienced violence- on identifying hidden disabilities.

Training workshop for headteachers of SEN schools- at the National  Centre for Education Resource Development 
After the working day- with some teachers at Sophia Special Schools- coordination of colours a  happy coincidence!

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